
Legal information, disclaimer and data privacy statement. Responsible within the context of Section 6 German Telemedia Act

FIMA-CouronneTEC GmbH & Co. KG
Dipl.-Ing. Mattias Finzelberg
Zur dicken Buche 12
D-57234 Wilnsdorf

In case of technical problems / questions with our online shop or your order please contact:

Mannheim Commercial Register: HRA 704193

Disclaimer/Legal information

Notice regarding the use of external links

In some of the sections of our website, we refer you to third-party websites for further information or clarification. When you click on one of those links, you are leaving the FIMA-CouronneTEC GmbH & Co. KG website.

Responsibility for content

FIMA-CouronneTEC GmbH & Co. KG assumes no responsibility for the content, correctness or currency of the data provided by external sites to which any links may direct you. The responsibility for the content of external sites rests solely with the respective provider. The pages of the FIMA-CouronneTEC GmbH & Co. KG website have been put together with great care, but we cannot rule out the possibility of errors.


All of the information on these pages is protected by copyright. The exercise of any rights, including those to modify, translate, print out or reproduce, even in excerpt form, requires the prior written consent of FIMA-CouronneTEC GmbH & Co. KG. The foregoing applies irrespective of how or why such actions are taken and with what means. All of the details and data contained in these pages are intended solely for informational purposes and may be changed without notice. We hereby grant permission for members of the press to quote from our pages, but we kindly request copies of the work product. If you would like further information, please feel free to register on our Extranet.


Data privacy

Here is some information regarding the great care taken to protect your privacy and the strictly confidential handling of your personal information:

What is personal information?

Personal information refers to information that can be attributed to you personally. This includes, for example, your name, your address, your telephone number and your e-mail address.

Contact for privacy related matters

Ingolf Schneider
Ostendstraße 1
64319 Pfungstadt

When does FIMA use and process personal information?

We know that it is very important to you that your personal information be handled with care. Because we also feel that data privacy is crucial, we strictly adhere to the provisions set out in the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz) and Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz) regarding the collection, processing and use of such information. Generally, you can visit our website without leaving any personal information.

The personal data and information you provide to us is used to process orders, to arrange for the delivery of merchandise and to process payments.

What does FIMA do with personal information?

Personal information (e.g., address, other information received from you) is stored in our computers primarily to optimise order processing and customer support.

The contract and delivery information required for this may be turned over to other service providers (e.g., a call centre, computer centre, postal services centre, printer, shipping company) as needed. Such service providers will not store your information for their own business purposes.

For purposes of conducting a credit check and monitoring credit scores, we exchange data with credit rating agencies such as Schufa and/or infoscore Consumer Data GmbH, Rheinstr. 99, 76532 Baden-Baden, Bürgel Wirtschaftsinformationen GmbH & Co. KG, POB 500 166, 22701 Hamburg. This exchange is based on a statistical process using your address information. All credit checks are conducted in order to rule out potential payment problems.

We reserve the right to use your information to send informational material for our own promotional purposes. If you do not want us to do this, simply send us a brief, informal e-mail.

FIMA Newsletter

The FIMA Newsletter will be sent to the e-mail address that you supply to us. Our newsletter will provide you regularly with news as well as information about sales and special promotional offers. If you have registered for our newsletter, you can rest assured that your e-mail address will be used only by us.

For statistical purposes, we assess anonymised information about what links in the newsletter our readers click on. There is no way to tell what particular individual clicked on any given link.

You can of course unsubscribe to the newsletter at any time by simply clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the end of each newsletter, or by using the unsubscribe newsletter feature.

FIMA and social networks

Our Newsletter uses social plug-ins (“plug-ins”) provided by the social network, operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”). The plug-ins are identifiable by the Facebook logo (white letter f on blue background or a thumb up icon) or the notice “Facebook social plug-in”. A list of Facebook social plug-ins and their visual representation can be inspected here:

Including the plug-in provides Facebook with the information that you received our Newsletter. If you are logged into Facebook, receipt of the Newsletter can be assigned to your Facebook account. If you interact with the plug-ins, for example by integrating the Newsletter into your Facebook page, or entering a comment, the corresponding information is transmitted from your browser directly to Facebook and stored by it. Even if you are a Facebook member, there is the possibility that Facebook obtains information about your ID address and stores it.For information on the purpose and scope of data collection and processing by Facebook, as well as your rights in this respect and settings options for protecting your privacy, please visit Facebook’s privacy policy:

If you are a Facebook member and do not want Facebook to connect the data concerning your visit to our websites with your member data already stored by Facebook, please log off Facebook before entering our websites. Alternatively, you may block Facebook Social Plugins by using add-ons for your browser, such as the “Facebook Blocker“:

Does FIMA use cookies?

When you visit our website, we store the website from which your visit was directed, the pages that you view when you visit us and the date and length of your visit.

FIMA uses cookies to track visitors’ preferences, which then allows us to optimise the design of our pages accordingly. Additionally, when you place an order with us, our webservers store the IP address of your Internet service provider.

Moreover, personal information is stored only if you provide it in connection with a registration or for performance of a contract.

External links on the pages of our website

To provide you with the best possible information, you will find links on our pages that direct you to third-party sites. If any such links are not easily recognisable, we will advise you that what you are viewing is an external link. FIMA has no influence on the content or design of sites from other providers. Our data privacy statement does not apply there.

Data privacy contact

If you have other questions on the subject of data privacy, you can send information, objections, requests for the correction or deletion of your data or even suggestions by e-mail or letter at any time.